Hotel Reservations
Hotel Reservations Hotel Reservations is the process of the booking a room prior to the arrival of a guest. SOURCES OF Hotel RESERVATIONS Free Independent Travelers (FIT) – Individual guests […]
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Hotel Reservations Hotel Reservations is the process of the booking a room prior to the arrival of a guest. SOURCES OF Hotel RESERVATIONS Free Independent Travelers (FIT) – Individual guests […]
Kitchen Organization Structure Kitchen Organization Structure refers to the flow of authority from top to bottom within a hotel or food service establishment and in respect to the kitchen. It
Upselling for Hotel Upselling is the process of persuading the guest to opt for a. superior room with a higher room rate. This is a skill essential for all front
Kitchen Safety Work in Kitchen is usually considered a relatively safe occupation, at least in comparison with many industrial jobs. In this article we will discuss about Kitchen Safety and
Principles of food storage Here in this article we will discuss about food storage principles and various related topic on dry food, freezer, refrigerator temperature, hot food handling, cleaning and
Food Storage Principles More »
Culinary Terms K 1. #Kebab: Small pieces of meat fixed on a skewer. braised or curried. 2. #Kedgeree: Indian dish of cooked fish. often salted or smoked, with rice, eggs
Food Safety and Hygiene Food Safety and Hygiene are various conditions & measures which are always necessary to ensure safety of various food and beverage items from production to consumption
Food Safety and Hygiene More »
Culinary Terms H 1. #Haggis: A kind of bag pudding. made in Scotland. from liver. sheep’s head. etc.. finely minced and mixed with oatmeal, herbs. etc. 2. #Hash : A
Liqueurs #Liqueur are defined as sweetened and flavoured spirits. They should not be confused with liqueur spirits which may be whiskies or brandies of great age and quality. For instance,
Rum : Ingredients, types and brand names. Christopher Columbus, the Portuguese explorer is said to have brought sugarcane to the Caribbean islands. Sugar production leaves a fermentable by product called
Rum | Alcoholic beverage More »