Laundry operation in Hotel

In any hotel establishment , a lot of dirty linens accumulates in the various units and departments . It is essential to ensure a continuous supply of linen, which is well laundered, so that operation can be carried out smoothly and efficiently. Linen is an expensive item, so how it will be laundered, required serious consideration. People involved in handling of linen should have some knowledge of process. The house-keeper and the linen keeper should have good relation with the laundry manager.

Principle of Hotel laundry

1. Removal of dirt and stain from the linen articles.
2. Restoring linen articles to their original appearance as far as possible.

Qualities of good laundry

1. Careful handling of linen articles when laundering
2. Correct process of use of suitable agent.
3. While materials are kept white, excessive bleach is not used.
4. Proper counting and records maintains to avoid shortage of linen.
5. Sound policies regarding damage or loss property.

Categories of Hotel laundry

Laundry can be divided into two types

On -premises   –     Off premises

laundries which are situated inside the hotel premises known as on premises laundry.

A commercial or off premises laundry refers to the laundering outside the establishment. ie. given on a contract basis., to the specialize person who are particular in this field.

Advantages of on premises Hotel laundry

1. Time taken for laundering is reduced because transportation is reduced.
2. Linen is readily available especially in the case of emergency requirements.
3. Pilferage reduced.

Disadvantages of on premises laundry

1. Cost of equipment and its maintenance is fairly high.
2. Must be justified by an adequate amount of linen.
3. More staff who are technically qualified and adiquet space is required.

Advantages of off premises Hotel laundry

1. An huge investment behind the purchase of machines and equipments are saved.
2. Salary for staff are saved.
3. Hotel spaces are saved which can be used for other purpose.

Disadvantages of off premises Hotel laundry

1. The hotel have to compromise with the quality of washing.
2. Chances of pilferage is more.
3. During the emergency, fresh linen may not be available.

Process of laundering

Details of various process in laundering is explained below
1. Collection and transportation- Collection of linen may be done in the linen room, if it is off premises, but usually in the laundry itself, if it is on premises. Certain linen items are collected separately , such as kitchen uniforms, dusters, etc. The linens are usually packed in the canvas bag called skips for transportation.
2. Arrival- On arrival the lines must be dealt quickly as possible to ensure fast turn around time for linen. There must be a separate section for guest laundry.
3. Marking – Marking may be temporary or permanent. For guest laundry initials of the guest as well as room no helps provide a clear identification and helps in correct billing.
4. Sorting- Sorting is carried out according to the types of fabrics and items, color and type of soil. Sorting is done to separate those articles that needs dry cleaning from those that will go through the normal wash process.. Those that need mending and stain removal must be separated so that separate action will be taken.
5. Weighing- Weighing is carried out to conform to the capacity of the washing machine, and to avoid of the overloading. Repeated overloading can cause the machine to breakdown. Underloading will lead to the wastage of detergent and water.
6. Loading is often done manually or with a certain degree of full or partial automation.
7. Washing-
The process is designed to perform three basic functions
• Removal of soil dirt
• Suspension of soil
• Discharge of soil from the machine and drain.
8. Rinsing- Once the wash cycle is completed. Rinsing is carried out at least twice. The purpose of this is to remove the residue of laundry agent and reagent.
9. Hydro-extraction- It is the process of removal of excess water and moisture from the linen which has been washed.
10. Tumble drying- This process is capable of making the linen absolutely dry , by blowing hot air. For articles that are likely to be damaged by heat there is an option of simple air drying.
11. Finishing- After washing and drying of all the articles needs proper finishing like folding properly, or hanged in hangers.
12. Folding- Folding can be done in machines hands and in most cases carried out manually.
13. Airing- Airing is very much needed to protect the linens from mildew.
14. Storage- Storage should be properly done before delivering. Linens should be allowed to keep in specific period in the store for distribution.
15. Distribution- Now the lines are ready for distribution . The fresh linens are distributed to various departments through house-keeping.

Lay out of laundry

The layout in terms of positioning machines should be such that there is an easy flow of traffic. Close attention should be placed on entry and exit, drainage system ventilation etc.
• Doors – These should be large enough to get the equipments, into the room as well as effectively enter and exit with laundry basket.
• Ceiling- They should be impervious to moisture and have good sound absorption properties.
• 8 to 10 ft height ceiling is ideal.
• Floors- These are very important for laundry, it should be strong enough to protect it from were and tear.
• Walls- These should be constructed on the material that are durable, moisture resistant,and insulating. Windows should be avoided so that the wall space can be used for strong shelves and bins.
• Electricity- There should be enough light and proper electric connection.
• Water supply- There should be enough water supplies in laundry.

laundry in hotel management

Functions of various laundry machines-

Sophisticated machinery is needed in laundries to cope up with the various types of fabrics and other items to be laundered , dried and pressed. give the hue amount of laundry to be completed in the given time period.
The various machines used in the laundry are as follows
1. Washing machine- Those used in hotel laundries are typically a tumble type. The capacity varies from 7 to 2000 kg. The wash barrels of those used in the hotel industry are stainless still. The machines are used for washing clothes.
2. Hydro- extractor- These are large centrifuges ranging in capacity from 7 to 70 kg. Clothes from washer are put into the hydro- extractor to remove about 50 to 75% excess water. The water is extracted from the wash linen by means of centrifugal force or application of pressure After extraction the linens are damp but not wet.
3. Dryers- These are the unit of tumble type equipment meant to remove the moisture from damp. by tumbling them in rotating cylinder through which heated air is passes. They are use for non iron articles, and towels as these linen nether required pressing.
4. Pressing equipments- Many types of pressing equipments are available for ironing different articles, such as calender for sheets curtains and tablecloth. , sleeve presses flatbed presses, and so on.

Laundry agents and aids

Laundry aids are the materials used to improve the laundering result. The important laundry agents are as follows
1. Water
2. Laundry soap and detergent
3. Bleaches
4. Softener

Guest personal laundry

In hotels its common to keep laundry bag along with rate sheet. If the guest wants to get the linens laundered , firstly he has to go through the rate sheet, along with the terms and conditions. Then he has to fill it up . The room maids or valet takes the laundry bag which contains dirty linens to the laundry department. The linen keeper or the concerned person in the laundry enters the particular into the laundry register for keeping the records. When the linen or clothes of the guest have been cleaned it has been delivered to the guest room and the guest has to sign the bill which has been handed to the front office for making of master bills.

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