To control food cost and aid in determining proper buffet pricing in hotels, all buffets are thoroughly costed on a regular basis. Buffet Costing is a responsibility of executive chef.
Buffet Costing PROCEDURE:
1. All items utilized on the buffet must be costed and valued as outlined by the management.
2. All food items issued to the buffet must be recorded on the Buffet Cost Form. This will include the initial set up as well as all items used for re- stocking the buffet. The Buffet Cost Form must be kept in an easily accessible location to ensure that all items are recorded as issued.
3. At the end of the buffet meal period, all leftover food items will be returned to the kitchen and a member of the Food Production Management team will evaluate all items to determine if they are re-usable.
a. If they are re-usable in their present form, they should be recorded in the quantity returned column on the Buffet Costing Form.
b. If they are re-workable and re-usable in another form, a value should be determined and the item recorded in the credit/re- work area of the Buffet Costing Form.
c. If the item is not re-usable in any form, it should not be recorded on the form as a return.
4. Item quantities returned should be subtracted from items quantities issued and the difference should be recorded in the quantity used/consumed column.
5. This total quantity used should be multiplied by the price per unit to obtain a total value for the total quantity of that item used.
6. Add total values for all items used and enter in the total line.
7. In the credit section, multiply the quantity returned by the value per unit (for items at are to be re-worked), and enter the total value in the total column.
8. Add total values for all items credited and enter in the total line.
9. Subtract credits (from step 8) from the total value of all items used (from step 6) to obtain the total buffet cost.
10. Divide the total. buffet cost by the number of covers recorded to obtain a cost per cover.
11. Add the cost of any per covering inclusions not served through the buffet
(beverages, rolls, butter, etc.) to obtain the total cost per cover.
12. Divide the total cost per cover by the selling price to obtain the food cost percentage (%) for the buffet.