Automation in Hotel Industry – Hotel Computer Applications

Automation in Hotel Industry: Hotel Industry is now a days greatly influenced by automation and controlling Systems. Here in this article we will discuss about importance of hospitality automation in hotel, hotel room automation system and their benefits, various hotel automation software.

The hotel operations can be divided into two areas: (i) Front office, and (ii) Back office. The front office area includes reservations, registration, Guest History, guest accounting, telephones, Room Service, Restaurant, accounting, #housekeeping and Night Auditing.

Advanced Automation in Hotel Industry

The back office area includes account, receivable, inventory control, food and beverage cost control, purchase management, payroll, personnel and budgetary cost control, etc.

Even a 5% saving made through the use of computers over a period of one year for a hotel of the magnitude of approximately 400 rooms shall pay for the computer system cost.

Automation in Hotel Industry: The justification of computer installation is not only in terms of economy and control but it provides improved service and guest handling which means a more satisfied guest.

The cost of installation of computer shall depend upon the type of hardware and software purchased and the functions it is supposed to do. Hardware is the same as for other industries, but the software has to be tailor-made depending on the specific needs of individual hotels.

Automation in Hotel Industry -An application oriented system, sometimes called a ‘Stand Alone System’ or a ‘Dedicated System’ is designed to handle one part of the system, for example, dealing with only pay roll or human resources development.

The management can base their decisions on the analysis of data from the computer. Through the use of computers, tasks such as consumption at the restaurant can be monitored, purchase of raw material can be controlled, sales can be planned, clientele can be assessed, etc.

Automation in Hotel Industry

Computer, apart from being used as a replacement for manpower and solving the filing problem, can also help in making a guest feel more cherished at the time of arrival and during stay, as it will help the clerk in knowing his name, his habits, birthday, likes and dislikes and can help in ensuring future visits.

Smaller computers which don’t require elaborate information structure can be used in small hotels as it will save the valuable space otherwise wasted on clerical offices, storage of files etc., and also save on wages to the staff. It will provide a fast, more effective and efficient system. It will provide fewer opportunities and possibilities for the staff to meddle with the accounts, ensure better inventory controls, etc.

It is a common fear that the automation in hotel industry or front office operation would reduce the employment of work of the receptionist to a great extent. On the contrary, this will provide more time to the receptionist to develop his skill in guest relations and spend more time in face to face relations with the guest.

He will now have more accurate decision making abilities as things will be automatic and based on more accurate information.

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