CULINARY TERMS S #Sabayon : Yolks of eggs and a little water cooked until creamy. #Saffron :The dried stigma of the crocus flower. used for adding colour and flavour. #Salmi […]
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CULINARY TERMS S #Sabayon : Yolks of eggs and a little water cooked until creamy. #Saffron :The dried stigma of the crocus flower. used for adding colour and flavour. #Salmi […]
Culinary Terms T #Table d’hote: A set meal at a fixed price. #Tartars : A cold savoury sauce with a base of mayonnaise served with fried fish or a meat
Culinary Terms R #Ragout : Well-flavoured thick, well-seasoned and rich stew. #Raising agents:Substances which produce a gas. usually carbon di-oxide. when acted on by heat or other substances, and make
Culinary Terms N #Navarin: Mutton or lamb stewed with turnips. #Noodles: A flour pasta in thin string-like tubes.. #Nougat: A sweet of a fairly rich kind made with almonds. sugar.
Culinary Terms J #Jardiniere : Garnish of vegetables. #Julienne: Food cut into long strips. A clear soup of this name contains finely-shredded vegetables. #JULIENNE: To cut vegetables, fruits, or cheeses
Standardized Recipes Standardized recipes are one that “has been tried, adapted, and retried several times for use by a given food service operation and has been found to produce the
Culinary Terms Q #Quenelles: Forcemeat formed into balls usually with two spoonsand, then poached or fried. Queen of Puddings – A baked dessert popular in nineteenth-century England consistency of a
Pre Preparation of Food To be successful in the #FoodService industry, cooks need more that the ability to prepare delicious, attractive, and nutritious foods. They must have a talent for
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Culinary Terms K 1. #Kebab: Small pieces of meat fixed on a skewer. braised or curried. 2. #Kedgeree: Indian dish of cooked fish. often salted or smoked, with rice, eggs
Food Safety and Hygiene Food Safety and Hygiene are various conditions & measures which are always necessary to ensure safety of various food and beverage items from production to consumption
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