Room Service Standards

Room Service is offered to provide dining convenience to in-house guests who wish to have their meals served in a private area. All equipment must be portable and durable to withstand constant movements. Associates have to be specially trained, as they are required to work independently without supervision.

Room Service Procedures

  • Room Service is available in every star hotels and resorts.
  • Room Service is available 24 hours
  • Guests are given a high-quality, detailed “Room Service” menu.
  • All Room Service orders are cleared from the guest room within 45 minutes after being served, or as differently requested by the guest.
  • Service is courteous, rapid and discreet.
  • Before serving a room, the room service associate checks that sufficient equipment is provided and that it is of satisfactory quality.
  • The presentation must be flawless (linen, equipment etc.).
  • Ensure that dishes are always of high quality and that they are presented elegantly.
  • Ensure that the following service rules are respected:
  • Appropriate temperature of both, food and beverages.
  • Butter at the correct temperature.
  • Bread rolls/pastries slightly warmed.
  • Freshly made coffee or tea.
Room Service Standards by BNG Hotel Management Kolkata
Room Service Standards by BNG Hotel Management Kolkata

Pre-ordered breakfast (if applicable)

  • Pre-order forms are made available to guests the evening before in their rooms.
  • Service times are indicated on the order form: between 07:00 and 14:00.
  • Clearly indicate the time that order forms will be collected, but provide for a second collection two hours after the first.
  • Always provide the breakfast service within the times specified by the guest (tolerance of 05 minutes).

Breakfast ordered by telephone

  • This service is available from 07:00 to 14:00.
  • Ensure that room service associates assigned to take orders speak fluent English.
  • Answer the telephone within three rings.
  • Always greet customers and call them by their name.
  • Always repeat the order to the guest.
  • Reconfirm the room number.
  • Enter the guest’s name and room number on the order form.
  • Thank the guest for his/her order.
  • There is no delay of any room service order as it is handled first priority!

At the Guest Room

  • Knock the door/Ring the bell and announce: “Room Service”. Wait 10 seconds before you knock/Ring the bell again, if there is no answer.
  • Greet the guest by his/her name (noted on the order form).
  • Ask for permission to enter the room.
  • Offer to set up on the table or on the balcony. Offer to open the curtains, or switching on lights.
  • Place the tray on the tray jack and set up the table.
  • Lay down the place mat and set up cutlery, also salt & pepper shaker and flowers.
  • Verify back that the breakfast is correct according to his/her order.
  • Offer to serve any hot drinks.
  • Ask the guest to sign the bill.
  • Offer to remove any trays, cutlery or baskets left in the room.
  • Inform the guest when the tray will be collected.
  • Thank the guest, by using his/her name.
  • Ensure that all trays are removed after 45 minutes at the latest. Announcing the tray clearance according to first service stated above.

Lunch/Dinner/Snack/Supper Service

  • Orders are taken in the same way as for breakfast, with the addition of the daily special and wine up-selling.
  • Knock the door/Ring the bell and announce: “Room Service”. Wait 10 seconds before you knock/Ring the bell again if there is no answer.
  • Greet the guest by his/her name (noted on the order form).
  • Offer to set up on the table or on the balcony.
  • Place the tray on the tray jack and set up the table.
  • Lay down the place mat and set up cutlery, also salt & pepper shaker and flowers.
  • Verify back that the breakfast is correct according to his/her order.
  • Ask the guest to sign the bill.
  • Offer to remove any plates, cutlery or baskets left in the room.
  • Inform the guest when the items will be collected.
  • Thank the guest, by using his/her name.
  • Ensure that all trays are removed after 45 minutes at the latest. Announcing the tray clearance according to first service stated above.

Pick-up Tray (Clearing the dirty tray)

  • Schedule of clearing the orders must be within 35-45 minutes after having served the guest in his/her room.
  • When the guest orders from room service and the waiter comes back from the meal delivery, he has to check other floors for used items.
  • Order taker/Operator must inform the room service associate immediately when he/she receives a phone call from the guest room.
  • Every 2 hours the respective room pantries are cleared.
  • Each period of clearing plates, baskets, the room service associate must check all service equipment of order. If items are lost or broken, the waiter has to inform the Manager or Captain in charge and fill in the form.

Preparation (Mise-en-place)

  • Take the room service order (printing slip) with hotel pen and bill folder to the Room Service Station.
  • Prepare the room service tray according to the order. All equipment must be prepared on the tray before any hot or cold dishes are placed on the tray.

The following items must be on stock and refilled daily:

  • Napkins
  • Placemats
  • Salt & pepper shaker
  • Tray jack stand
  • Paper napkins, prepared folded
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Whipping cloth
  • Flower vase with flowers
  • Complete set of cutlery for all course-types
  • Ashtrays
  • Condiment sachets
  • White and brown sugar sachets, sugar substitute
  • Bread knife and plates
  • Ceramic containers for condiments
  • Additional Notes
  • All hot dishes such as; egg, bacon, ham, sausages, potato/starch is produced fresh and according to hotels Procedures. Never use room service breakfast items from the buffet.
  • All beverages are served from the respective area, hot beverages must be served in thermos pots or appropriate.
  • Butter portions, salted and unsalted, are kept in the fridge.
  • Hot dishes are covered with its respective metal cover or in a heater box and are not covered with plastic film.

Additional Notes – Continued

  • Responsible for refilling the daily stock and the cleanliness of the area is the assigned person in charge of Room Service, if no person is assigned that day, the Restaurant team is assigned and held responsibilities for it.
  • Room Service Station will be checked by Restaurant Manager or Room Service Manager/Captain every day/evening before shift end.

The following have to be checked:

  • Cleanliness of area, including fridges; storeroom and Room Service station, siphons, dishwashing machine and glass racks. Nothing is to be stored on the floor.
  • Storeroom and fridges are locked, lights are switched off.
  • Par Stock of Room Service Station is completed by Restaurant Manager or Room Service Manager/Captain.
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