Restaurant Steward – Sample Task List
Following is the list of task a Food & Beverage or Restaurant Steward is suppose to perform in various work shifts.
Morning shift of Restaurant Steward
- Dusting of all granite tops
- Preparing of service equipment for breakfast
- Set up of tables
- Pick up flower arrangements
- Switch music and light on, open curtains, switch on air-condition etc
- Cream, milk and sugar bowl is ready to set on the table (If applicable)
- Refill condiments
- Folding of napkins
- Collecting and transfer of garbage
- Preparing of service equipment for lunch service
- Delivery of fruit baskets to the room
- Set tables for lunch Set promotion cards on table (if applicable)
- Brush-off cushion, send dirty cushions to laundry and receive new ones
- Refill sugar bowls
- Clean coffee machine(s)
Afternoon shift of Restaurant Steward
- Clean pantries
- Folding of napkins
- Set tables for dinner
- Refill oil lamps, set on trays (if applicable)
- Clean all menus including kid’s menus
Evening shift of Restaurant Steward
- Switch music and light on, open curtains, switch on air-condition etc
- Clean and polish all operating equipment and store neat and tidy according to stock
- Brush off all cushions
- Relocate tables for deep-cleaning the floor
- Returning of all flower arrangements
Night Shift of Restaurant Steward
- Check room service log book, collect and clear all trays on every floor
- Refill condiments for room service
- Refill salt & pepper shaker and clean opening with a toothpick daily
- Polish juice glasses fro breakfast service
- Clean tables and set for breakfast
- Collect door knob menus (if applicable)
- Set milk and creamer container on trays

Overall service assignments of a Restaurant Steward:
- Monday: All windows in the restaurants to be cleaned
- Tuesday: All wine cooler and wine cooler stands to be cleaned
- Wednesday: Clear and clean all cabinets/service stations and reset neatly
- Thursday: Deep cleaning of all pantries and wine fridges
- Friday: Deep-cleaning of all refrigerators and bread warmer
- Saturday: Deep-clean of all service equipment (Cutlery etc)
- Sunday: Deep-clean of service station, tables and chairs
- Attend every pre-shift briefing and training, attend English classes
- Refill service stationeries before breakfast, lunch and dinner
- Polishing glasses and cutlery during the day
- All guest floors are checked every two hours, and after every room service delivery
- Only Room Service Associates and Captains can take Room Service orders
- Daily duties
- Hygiene: Every shift is responsible to keep pantries clean during day and shift change
- Hostess: Checking of in-house guests, walk-ins and non-BF included hotel guests during breakfast