Hotel Management Course

– Welcome to BNG kolkata

The #Institute is dedicated to provide “Quality education and training” of international standard in the field of hotel & Catering Management. The aim is to produce graduates who can function Hotel Management Course at BNG Hotel Managementeffectively as managers by applying his/her developed skill and knowledge in hotel and other hospitality industries. At BNG hotel management institute in kolkata students are provided hands on experience in 5 star establishments. The Institute is located beside VIP Road of the ever vibrant city of Kolkata, a wonderful place to stay and study.  “Ranked as the Top Hotel Management College in India” by CSR-GHRDC All India Survey We hope you use this website to help plan your future and decide to join us. At the College we have built our success on treating your needs as a learner as our priority . We value our students and – through a combination of excellent teaching and student support – provide every opportunity for you to succeed.


BNG Hotel Management College in Kolkata

Welcome to BNG – hotel management college in Kolkata. We hope you use this website to help plan your future and decide to join our Hotel Management Course.

At the College we have built our success on treating your needs as a learner as our priority . We value our students and – through a combination of excellent teaching and student support – provide every opportunity for you to succeed.

We take a real pride in giving everyone the chance to achieve their aims in life, learn skills to get into work or improve their career prospects by gaining extra qualifications. We are a very diverse College community – our learners are drawn from all the different sections of our society and span the age ranges. This diversity brings a real vitality to College life.

The College s success has been acknowledged by CSR-GHRDC in two successive years. After a highly successful inspection they now recognize our college as The potential management institute of excellence for Hotel Management Course. We are also investing heavily in your future to providing top-class facilities.

Our prime aim is to provide a cohesive atmosphere for the students so that they enjoy the studies and the course they are undergoing. BNG ensures that the students passed out reach the zenith of success at a young age.

We are very proud of our students achievements and are here to Hotel Management Course Studentshelp you achieve your maximum potential. We also have specialist staff to support your needs while you study and help you to succeed on your course.

Your choices about what you want to study are important. They will play a key role in determining your future. Better qualifications can give you more choices in your working life and improve the rewards you reap during your career.

We look forward to helping you to achieve your ambition.

We are ranked as the Potential Management Institute of Excellence in India in two successive years by CSR-GHRDC Management Institute Survey.

Aims and Objectives of our Hotel Management Course at BNG Hotel Management

Hotel Management Course goalPreparing students for leadership positions in the Global Market through hands-on experience and an emphasis on culinary skills, service management, and employee supervision.

  • To impart through training both practical and theoretical a thorough knowledge of every phase of Institutional Management.
  • To set a high standard of knowledge and practice so that the status of the Industry may be raised and students are offered attractive and progressive careers.
  • To develop a scientific attitude to management techniques and skills.
  • To train students for the Industry with a view to develop high standards of skills and tHotel Management Course objectiveso raise crafts to levels of technology.
  • To inculcate habits of courtesy, discipline and hard work in the trainees and pride in the efficient accomplishment of tasks entrusted to them.
  • To impart by example and education devotion to Duty, Honesty, Integrity, Dignity of Labor and a willingness to serve others happily and cheerfully.
  • To encourage the exchange of ideas and information, to help the students establish habits of seeking knowledge as well as keeping abreast with the latest development in the field by extensive use of the library, attending seminars, discussion groups, etc.
  • To maintain a close liaison between teachers and students so that each student is given a full chance for development and growth.
  • To inculcate a team spirit in work and play and to understand the benefits that accrue.
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