Kitchen Layout

#Kitchen #KitchenLayout #‎BNGHotelManagement‬ ‪#‎HotelManagementKolkata‬

The way in which the parts of kitchen in a hotel is arranged, called kitchen layout. A kitchen layout should be designed to have a “triangle flow” from the refrigerator to the sink and to the stove. From the smallest kitchen to one on a grand scale, all kitchens are equipped with the same basic appliances. The significance of a kitchen layout is to arrange everything within a functional path. But, the plan or layout of a kitchen will be determined by the catering policy of the establishment. The plan is often limited by space availability. Every hotel has a foundation ingredient on which the other departments of the hotel are based. So, kitchen layout is very important proportion for hotel.


kitchen layout of a hotel

  • Walk-up: In a kitchen layout the portion of the walk-up is preserved for keeping fresh, green vegetable and raw materials or ingredients. It must be a cold room with A/C.
  • Indian: In Indian, there followed different types of methods of cooking. Indian foods are spicy, fried and tasty.
  • Tandoor: Tan door is co-related with Indian. There are different types of tan door. Traditional method used is spit roasting.
  • Continental: Continental is not spicy like Indian. It’s served mainly light food. Foods are easily prepared as no many ingredients are needed for spice.
  • Chinese: Chinese is like as Thai, but it is mainly related with fresh vegetables and half-cooked food as they looked for increasing the palatability of the food.
  • Mexican and Thai: Mexican foods are spicier than the Continental. Thai is co-related with Mexican and it is based on Thailand a food.
  • Utensil and Wash-up: The dirty and late food and dishes are stored in utensil and those are cleaned in the wash-up room. It should be operated cleanly.
  • Utensil rack: Cleaned dishes and equipments are stored and kept in order to the utensil rack.
  • Halwai: All types of sweets and sweet card are getting from Halwai.
  • Pantry and Dispensary Bar: Salad, Snacks, juice and various fast foods are served in Pantry. As the name suggests all the short orders are executed from here. These will include sandwiches, ice creams and beverages. Quick service equipment, such as toasters, juicers and shakers will be provided. Dispensary bar served all types of non-alcoholic beverage that hot and cold drinks. It is opened for 24 hours.
  • Bakery and Confectionary: Bakery is a place where the baking things are made in present of hit with the dry atmosphere confectionary. The control of costs and quality of desserts and breads sold in hotels is very important for successful operation. In a small hotel, this will be a corner of the main kitchen whereas in big hotels, this will be a separate fully equipped department. There are both hot and cold section for working.
  • Store room: All the necessaries or raw materials which are very essential and important are stored in the store room. The stock should be sough that all things are available when needed.

In both two parts must have two drain to clean the dirty water from the hotel and both sides are combined with range for cooking as it is easy to access.

Beside store room there are few separate room to operate separate work. Those are

  • The Cold Room: There are two types of cold rooms:
  1. Negative cold room (freezer) with an ideal temperature of -18°C.
  2. Positive cold room (walk-in) with a temperature of 3°C- 5°C.
  • Vegetable Pre-preparation Area: The work here consists of:
  1. Washing and Cleaning.
  2. Paring and Trimming
  3. Cutting, Chopping etc.

Use of frozen vegetables will determine the area required here. This room is sometimes air-conditioned.

  • The Butchery: It is an air-conditioned room for meat pre­preparation. Bone saws, weighing scales and butchers blocks will be provided. The butchery must be situated close to the freezer. Non slip flooring is essential and flycatchers must be installed.
  • The Larder: The larder must be situated near to but separate from the kitchen. It must be air-conditioned, well lit and well equipped.
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