Students across India can be a part of these programs and we give a safe environment to all students who come from various states and cities.

We respect your decision to study in the sweetest part of India – Kolkata We look forward to welcoming you at BNG Campus, Kolkata


    Course Application

    To apply to any of our hotel management courses please follow the checklist and arrange all required items before filling up the form. This Course is available only in OFFLINE / REGULAR Mode
    1. Fill up all fields in block letters.
    2. Scanned copy of the passport size photograph is required to complete the application in online mode.
    3. Pay online for prospectus or admission ( Choose Paytm or SBI), any bank debit card, credit card, or net banking is allowed.
    4. Keep the online payment receipt for future reference.
    5. Check your email inbox or spam folder for the confirmation mail from BNG Kolkata.

    In case of  any technical difficulties please apply through regular (offline) mode   
    1. Download and print out the Application form. [Click here to download
    2. Fill up all fields in block letters.
    3. Attach a demand draft of Rs. 400/- in favor of “Nalanda Group of Management Education”, payable at Kolkata.
    4. Send the application form and demand draft at 32, Dr. Lal Mohan Bhattacharya Road, PO – Intally, Kolkata-700014through speed post.
    5. Inform us after you dispatch by mailing at
    6. The prospectus with all course fee details will reach you within 5 [five] working days after we receive the DD and form

    Select Course:(Required)

    *Date of Birth:(Required)

    *Please attach your Class 10 Marks Sheet (Required)[Size less than 200kb Format .jpg format]

    Please attach your Class 12 Marks Sheet [Size less than 200kb Format .jpg format]

    *Please attach your Date of Birth Proof ( 10th Admit Card or Birth certificate)(Required) [Size less than 200kb Format .jpg format]

    *Please attach your Aadhar Card (Required)[Size less than 200kb Format .jpg format]

    *Please attach your current Passport Size Image (Required)[Size less than 200kb Format .jpg format]

    Select Payment Gateway (Required)

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    Admission Enquiry
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      Hotel & Hospitality Management Courses

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        Hotel & Hospitality Management Courses

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