Guest Preference in Restaurant

Every Restaurant uses a host or hostess to welcome and seat guests, provide menus and perform other guest services according to their Guest Preference.

  1. The host/hostess stand must be located in an area where he/she can properly meet and greet the guests as they enter.
  2. The main service responsibilities of the hostess are: friendly greeting and recognizing guests as soon as they approach, confirming the number of guests in a part and offering seats in the appropriate section of the restaurant.
  3. During slow business periods, a sign may invite guests to seat themselves in open areas of the restaurant.
  4. During the service time a good Host or Hostess will check upon their customers if they are well taken care of and enjoying their experience.

Guests should be seated in the area they request:

-2 section: smoking and no smoking
-Good areas: near the window, near entertainment, in a quiet corner, etc.
-Bad areas: close to the kitchen doors, entrances and exits, toilet, sideboards and service counters and in high traffic aisles.

Guests should be seated at the table they prefer:
• Rectangular, round, in a booth or at a corner

The number of guests
The right size of table for the number of guests in the same party

Equal occupancy
Since the speed of service is important, the host/hostess should attempt to seat guests in sections which are the least busy. A good help is to use seating chart; so it is easy to see which tables are occupied and which tables are still vacant.

Availability and Guest Preference
Less desirable seat should be used only after all other seats are occupied. If none seats are available, guests should be referred to a waiting area and be informed about the waiting time.

Guest History Profile and Guest Preference
It is a good practice that every hostess keeps a guest profile history for guest preferences such as:
• Name of Guest
• Returning Guests
• Preferences; likes and dislikes of food, beverage and associates
• Preferred seating area
• Nationality (if known)
• Contact details

Admission Enquiry
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